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An unwanted path

An unwanted path  At my wits end,  the journey begins, through turmoil, pain, regret, the thought that everything ends. A speechless path,  yet so many words heard loudly yet clearly unsaid, and held closely to my chest,  I remember the day,  when it all made sense, when the sun's warm shine was simply that, when your gaze held no further meaning than the pearls that rolled out your soft lips each time you spoke, I long for you. Take me back to that, take me back, take all this regret and wash me vigorously in those memories of you, this regret, a beating heart in sync with some long lost part. An unwanted journey begins, a single pearl held tightly like an oysters treasure, like a mother eagles wishes all of her kin to take flight, like the first light over the horizon touches bodies with unsaid regret in the aftermath of war, I know,  and I remember the day. I remember it fondly,  the smile you gave me, like to you in that short moment it all made sense, and it did make sense, on

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