Ab epistulis

Ab epistulis 

Writing these paragraphs down allows me that small reprieve I so desperately need, 
to put words, an art, on this canvas of subtle feelings laid bare,
an open wound for all to see,
these words speak of tragedies,
sorrows, tears shed for my own tragic beliefs, 
each syllable and rhyme falls in place like puzzle pieces placed gently like sunflower seeds,

Writing these paragraphs and sentences,
irradiates the suns warmth for thes words bleed a darkness in each sordid tale of loss,
for each feeling gone,
words that were never said,
and what was let out in the heat of the moment that I didn’t mean,

Writing these paragraphs down allows me that small reprieve I want to feel at ease with the pain in my feelings felt,
at the very moment, right now, the days after time, slows down, 
each droplet pitter patters down at a slow pace,
my mind away in thought, 
each word falls through the cracks in each paragraph painted across a garden of distant lives lived in my own short existence, 
how nice it must be to have these paragraphs a climax be prolonged,
to have the good times be the center piece to my stories and not be the bridge to an impending sorrow,
writing these paragraphs down allows me this small reprieve,
to slowly drown in these words,
put all this writing to a close. 


"Ab Epistulis" Latin meaning "from the letter" 

"Ars longa, vita brevis."
