Up high in the lighthouse

Up high in the lighthouse

I see sand cover the shoreline like it would always be enough, 
like the oceans only wash away the things not meant to be,
like the Red sea never felt like a lovers ocean
like a thrown kept afloat by his thoughts, 
a king there of.

A man in love, 
a man who knows not the pain of a broken heart, 
the thick mist felt upon his hardened skin his breath he craves, 
what most want but can't have.
He says, 
he needs this, 
to be the weak one for once,
and not have stones in his mouth like the weight of everything he said before wasn't enough. 
He watched helplessly as the tower he'd built up was washed away by the storms,
how magnificent it was.
I'd imagined the stars looked better from up there. 
He'd felt the moon upon his face a crown, 
the joy he'd felt when it all made sense. 
It did at some point, 
feel like discovered words said for the first time, 
feel like meaning. 
Where there was none to begin with, 
where something as lucid as this could have ever existed.

I think he knew this, 
but he chose to love still. 
To be the sailor sat up high in the lighthouse, 
still watching the moments at sea.



Good reads